Sinbosen K4-1000 4-канальный 1000-ваттный 1U цифровой усилитель мощности класса D Amp
Предмет №: K4-1000
Модель: К4-1000
Канал: 4-канальный усилитель мощности
Особенность: 1U/цифровой усилитель/4 канала/класс D/для полнодиапазонных динамиков
Выходная мощность:
Стерео мощность 8 Ом (RMS): 1000 Вт X 4 канала
Стерео мощность 4 Ом (RMS): 1400 Вт X 4 канала
Канал: 4-канальный усилитель мощности
Особенность: 1U/цифровой усилитель/4 канала/класс D/для полнодиапазонных динамиков
Выходная мощность:
Стерео мощность 8 Ом (RMS): 1000 Вт X 4 канала
Стерео мощность 4 Ом (RMS): 1400 Вт X 4 канала
Normally rating power should be Amp-power x 1.5 times compared to the power of the top speaker and Amp-power x 2 times for the subwoofer. To protect and extend your amplifier's working life, please don't use this amplifier under 2 ohms. K series amplifiers are suited for Middle and High speaker, but not good for Subwoofer. |

K4-1000 Digital Power Amplifier K4-1000 1U 4-channel power amplifier, small size, lightweight, easy to install. The circuit uses a Class D power amplifier module, a reliable and efficient R-SMPS stabilized power supply system, which has extremely high efficiency and controllability, and also has extremely high power density, which can adjust the current waveform according to the AC voltage waveform. Wide voltage operation, adapt to the global scope, can carry higher power. |
Digital Amplifier K4-1000 Feature: 1. Use the Class D power amplifier module. Unique peak clipping limiter and ripple reduction. 2. The perfect protection system effectively reduces the losses caused by improper use. 3. The perfect circuit design makes the bass strong and powerful, and the mid and high frequencies are transparent and clear. 4. 1U design, its lightweight and very small space occupation rate. 5. It is widely used in large and medium-sized bars, banquet halls, and outdoor performances. |